Finding a Primary Care Physician in North Central Texas: A Step-by-Step Guide

Whether you're new to Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance, recently moved, or just ready for a change, selecting a primary care doctor is an essential part of managing your health care. Your primary care physician (PCP) is your medical “home” - the doctor you go to for most of your medical needs, including wellness visits and routine exams, non-urgent illnesses, such as ear pain and sore throat, and the person you talk to about your health questions and concerns. If you have an HMO, your family doctor will also be the person to refer you to a specialist. Searching for a new PCP can be intimidating.

To make the process easier, here are some tips to help you out. Once you've made your decision, the change takes effect when your regional contractor processes the PCM change. To ensure that your regional contractor has changed their PCM, visit MilConnect. You can also find the phone number of your new PCM on MilConnect.

When your doctor becomes familiar with your medical history, habits, and personality, they are likely to be in a better position to guide you on the best treatment option, monitor even the slightest changes in your health, and recognize warning signs before they become serious problems. The Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) medical needs guide helps determine appropriate levels and types of care (medically necessary) for patients who need evaluation and treatment for behavioral health problems. You, your employees, and your agents are authorized to use CPT only as indicated in Aetna's clinical policy bulletins (CPB) only for your personal use by participating directly in healthcare programs managed by Aetna, Inc. If you are abroad and are stationed at a military facility that has a hospital or military clinic, you will be assigned a PCM where you will need to receive most of your medical care.

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